Tuesday 23 October 2012


Desktop Background : Kill Bill

Song on playlist : Muse - Thoughts of A Dying Atheist

Random thought : "why are traffic only congested at the roads that lead to places that I'm about to go to?"

R.M.S Titanic, a baby to White Star Line, a giant to the sea. It was the largest of its kind during its time, dubbed as the best, even putting it into comparison will be a blasphemy. It was massive and strong, too strong until it dared to challenge fate into a duel. It taunted the sea through its maiden voyage from Southampton to New York City on April 10th, 1912. If other ships sail by the wind, Titanic sailed by the expectations and acclaims from various perspectives. During its voyage, the safety boats weren't enough for every passenger, a conscious and aware call from the White Star Line as a guarantee that the voyage will be victorious.

RMS Titanic, a ship claimed as "unsinkable"


Newspaper clip from April 16, 1912 mourning over the sinking of Titanic

On the night of April 14, 1912, destiny sent a cold matter to put Titanic's arrogance into the deep. Titanic hit an iceberg which they thought avoiding it is just an everyday work. As the ship was sinking, questions arose. What went wrong that day?

 "She's made of iron, sir! I assure you, she can (sink)... and she will. It is a mathematical certainty."

-  Titanic (1997) -

Titanic sank simply because the greatest ship in the world….is still a ship....

A figure explaining why the Titanic sank. Although the tip was avoided, but the major part of the iceberg which lied under the sea was proven to be a force even the ship couldn't stand


On the night which Titanic sank, it was said to be very quiet night. Thus, since there was no activity of the sea to be spotted, the iceberg seemed so invisible. The iceberg wasn't even a big one, it didn't even reach the bridge of the ship. The iceberg was considered an unusual one, often known as the "blackberg" because it wasn't white like others, it was clear look. Since it was the night, the black colour was reflected at the iceberg making it looked pitch black, therefore camouflaging as the night. Only 1/10 of the iceberg was exposed on the surface of the sea, while the major part lied deep under waiting to give the Titanic a 'sucker punch'.

The cold-blooded killer..whoaa that term seems so ironic right now.




Titanic was such an attention seeker. It loved to make the front page. Instead of sailing on its usual pace, the captain decided to spark the hype a little bit. Increasing the speed to give more than the rich people bargained for. Titanic was also hotheaded, ignoring 6 iceberg warnings as they all thought Titanic could overcome the seemingly minor setback.  Sadly, it can't...

"Iceberg, right ahead!"  - Frederick Fleet (the first person to spot the iceberg)


The lookouts at the crow's nest, the observation point atop the mainmast 30 meters above the deck, did not have binoculars.

There is also a theory regarding the sinking which eventually led to the implementation of Radio Act of 1912. 

Before Titanic happened, broadcasting was free and people were allowed to broadcast from their own homes. No law was against it. However, as there were so many broadcasts from random individuals, they caused distractions to maritime activities as radio communication was a major application among vessels to communicate with one another. As the communication between vessels took place, other broadcasts may intercept thus causing a commotion at the communication system. (Imagine getting coordinates but suddenly listening to husband and wife fighting on the radio. I guess it's quite annoying, isn't it?) Because of this matter, vessels usually shut their networks off at nights.

Then, here comes the twist.. ;)

Titanic had sent out a distress call that was received by the RMS Carpathia. Although Carpathia came to the assistance of the Titanic at the greatest speed possible, it arrived too late to save the majority of the passengers and crew. It was later revealed that another ship, the SS Californian, was closer to the Titanic than the Carpathia, but it did not receive the distress call because its sole wireless operator was not on duty

- Wikipedia-

So we can possibly conclude here (how can you possibly conclude? Possibility is not a fact, but conclusion is a fact already. Haha will get back to that later) that the operator of SS Californian left his post because of the common distractions caused by the network interceptions. It was really sad if we think back, he left his post on the night Titanic sank.....Out of all the nights.


conspiracy theory? nahh, just God.. :)

moral of the story is :- if you mock fate, it mocks you back..

Since then, Titanic has become a symbol for egoistic and arrogance. And the rest is history........to be remembered of course :)

Quoting a quote from the romantic comedy My Sassy Girl :

"It’s in the year 2037, the heroine Rose traveled back in time to try to avert the Titanic disaster but none of the pig-headed men of the shipping company have listened to her and the ship has sailed anyway and crashed the iceberg all over again...

Proving Rose’s theory that men never learn and they just keep on making the same mistakes over and over again but each time, 

in nicer pants"

Justtt an additional information : I heard it on Fly Fm that day that the officer in Titanic, the one who gave Billy Zane's his money back, he was actually celebrated as a hero in his town as he did his job with total professionalism. The hometown issued a dissatisfaction towards the Titanic movie production for altering history for the sake of marketing purpose.


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